sleepy wrote:
did you quote me or take a line out of context? No matter.
My TC is on 99% of the time... it's an 1161 with lots of mods... it really "likes" 80 psi all around...
If I had a little TC I might need to lower the psi... wouldn't need a dually either.
After 40 years of doing this I have a pretty good idea what I'm doing.
And I get very good milage on the tires, even wear all across... I do have the alignment checked anytime I see a reason to.
I quoted what you said.
"I follow the tire mfg's recommendation... and fill the tire to the max on the sidewall of the tire... the tire has less rolling resistance at 80psi than at 65 psi.. that translates into better MPG at 80 psi."
First of all, the max pressure on the sidewall is not the mfg's recommendation. It is simply a statement by the tire manufacture giving the pressure that is needed to carry the tires maximum designed load weight.
The manufacturer usually gives the "recommneded" pressure in their load inflation tables. Hence my statement that you do not need to inflate a tire to the given sidewall pressure if you are not runing at the maximum designed load weight.
You didn't specify what the total weight that you are carrying on your GMC 3500 dually, but I can surmise that you probably need the extra pressure to do so.
As to your statement "After 40 years of doing this I have a pretty good idea what I'm doing" you sound like you were offended by my post.
My intention was not to offend you and I apologize if I did. My post was just to correct the implication you made.
Surely you haven't been driving around for 40 years with all that unnecessary air pressure in your tires.:)