"essentially" "essentially the same" ???? myth's ???? arrogance yes
As we can see everyones truck/truck camper tire inflation situation is differnet... how much load, how much time loaded, how much time empty, driving on the beach, etc....
My truck camper is BIG, it is off the truck 3 or 4 days a year. Those 3 or 4 days are used for servicing, rotating tires, etc. I do not deflate my tires from 80 psi for the 1% of the time the camper isn't on the truck. Though mr young would seem to insist that I should, that "his" way is the only correct way.
I get 15.1 mpg, and I'm happy with 55,000 miles on the 7 tires... I replaced them all at once with another set (all were within 1/32" of each other)... I replaced them with another set just like the originals on the truck.
I like having a seperate truck and truck camper... I can replace, upgrade, or downgrade either component as needed...(and no... I wouldn't have a MH or class C... it seems to me that every transmission shop in North America has at least one of them sitting in their parking lot.)