sleepy wrote:
My truck camper is BIG, it is off the truck 3 or 4 days a year. Those 3 or 4 days are used for servicing, rotating tires, etc. I do not deflate my tires from 80 psi for the 1% of the time the camper isn't on the truck. Though mr young would seem to insist that I should, that "his" way is the only correct way.
Sleepy, why must you always reply with a snide remark that has nothing to do with the discussion.
I never insisted or even implied that you "should do it my way."
I merely stated in my orginal post that one does not need to inflate to the side wall pressure unless they are carrying the load that requires it.
Wether or not this applies in your situation I do not know. So the discussion is not about you, your rig, your driving habits, your lifestyle, etc.
I'm simply trying to debunk the myth that the pressure listed on the tires sidewall is what the tire should be inflated to.
sleepy, you can have the last say on this, but please, you don't need to make sarcastic remarks.