I don’t know about the Colorado/Duramax, but I have experience with a similar vehicle in the Jeep Liberty CRD with which I towed a 21 foot TT with a GW at 5,000 lbs. The I-4, 2.8 liter diesel in the Jeep was rated 188 hp, 335 ft-lbs, and I got around 14 mpg with it. It had only one issue dragging the trailer up the 11,000 foot, 6-7% grade on I-70 west of Denver: a tendency to overheat. I could do 65 mph until the temperature started getting high. 5,000 lbs is all I would want to tow with that size engine. And the Jeep’s successor, a BMW with a 3.0 liter I-6, rated 265 hp and 425 ft-lbs and while it also gets 14 mpg towing, the overall towing experience is much better. So I am thinking that your 27 foot trailer will be too much for that Colorado. If you can even do it, you won’t like the experience.