Interesting thread.
For the statement: "The state fire marshal of Florida said "a ton." Do you think one car is a ton?"....maybe the battery is a ton? :)
I don't have an EV and won't get one up here in the GWN; I also won't own a 2WD car up here. Not against EV's but they don't fit any part of my current needs. That being said, for the 10 years I spent in Ewe-stun and had a Prius, it was the perfect vehicle. Easy on the gas, no sportster but could merge onto either 610 or I-10, room enough for 4 if they were not all plus size (moi); and it lasted all ten years and then some after we sold it. The starting battery had to be replaced and I determined to my complete satisfaction that tires lose in a contest with tie spikes, but I'd buy another hybrid in an instant if I were elsewhere than the GWN.....
...just not in a position to get an EV.