It's really a shame we get such non sense advice for someone really asking about a safety issue like braking. How is the OP going to weed out the BS from real world experience :H
I also drove loads up and down from LA to Seattle. That was even before front axle brakes mind you :E , and Jakes were just coming onto the market. If you ride the brakes down a pass.... that is exactly why they made the " Run away truck ramps" :E
I just don't get some posters demanding "their way" is the best because that's what I do mentally. Grow up, quit making up stories about your hollowed trucking career. Any DOT manual will spell it out, look it up boys.
As said though, the gasser will slow down when geared down much better than the diesel.
Up the hill at 45, down the hill one gear lower or 35.... stab when needed.
And I have that 1150F rotor temp link if someone needs it :B