coolbreeze01 wrote:
DirtyOil wrote:
I have holes cut in the floor so the wife, grand kids and I can smooth out the callouses. If that doesn't slow us down I have a anchor I toss out the window.
The advice of down shifting is good but you have to keep and an eye on the tach, high rpms can kill that gear/tranny in the auto transmission. So, if the rpms are at or near the redline you might want to up shift and apply more braking power.
my 2 cents...
Don't do this, recipe for disaster.
I agree to an extent with both DirtyOil and coolbreeze01. Apply more brakes. But don't upshift. The speed will come down easier by staying in a lower gear, and redline will quickly drop to reasonable levels for the original gear chosen.
Like I said earlier, drop to a lower speed altogther while you are braking and continue at the safer lower speed. It won't matter a lot if one uses easy steady braking or hard intermittent braking to disippate indentical kinetic energy, but the laws of physics say steady braking works better.