Since the Cummins has a lift pump and a primary filter, I have no doubts this mod will be available for the CP4 soon. Another mod you can do to ensure no metal particles contaminate your injectors and rail is the Exergy improved FCA/MPROP screen with a smaller micron filter on it and a screen that is less prone to collapse.
Been thinking about this for the CP4.1 in my car, but failures on BMW's seem to be far less than the trucks. It might have something to do with the fact that the CP4.1 on the 328d maxes out at 26k psi(same as the CP3) instead of 29k psi which was the limit of older CP4's with the smaller cam lobes. The upgraded CP4's have a longer cam lobe along with a few other changes allowing for 39k psi max pressure. The new Cummins is going to be well under that regulated at 29k psi.