I have to disagree with most of the advice here. I am a retired woodworker.
If the original glue joint was glued with a pva glue( tightbond) the glue has already sealed the pores of the wood and useing most glues as suggested, would not bond properly.In my opinion, and I may be wrong, your best bet would be to reglue the joint useing an epoxy adhesive. Any squeeze out can be cleaned up, while still wet, with white vinegar.Epoxy will bond to most everything and is stronger then the wood. But so is pva if done properly.Be sure the temp is over 50* for the entire cure time. Warmer is always better with epoxy.I would also avoid getting any glue on the raised panels, they need to be able to expand and contract.So just epoxy and pipe clamps and you should be good to go.