Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
ShinerBock wrote:
Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
That voice inside your head must be back!
And I see your insults are back as well. It is no wonder they call Tesla fan boys the worst. They can't have a logical and rational conversation without resulting to insults and name calling. I'd expect as much from my 12 year old nephew, but not a grown adult.
Tell me which is the rational part of your post then?
Fact, you make a thread about this truck or Tesla's in general about once a month.
Fact, you at one point in time or a family member that works for Tesla benefits from Tesla's profitability.
It is my rational view that anyone who does this should be treated as a vendor if they continue to advertise something that they
directly or indirectly get compensated for. I can see making a thread about it or a brand every now and then, but not once or twice a month. That is just irrational.