Hannibal wrote:
Years ago I was following a van on I-75 near Tampa. Alluva sudden the van swerved to miss a recliner sitting in the middle of our lane. I hit it with my '75 Dodge Maxivan. The chair exploded into splinters and it's flimsy steel parts. No damage to the my van. In '95 we hit a folding table on I-75. It tore the underliner of our '94 Aljo TT. I agree about not trying to swerve while towing unless there's plenty of room to do so safely. Glad the hay bale wasn't a roll!
I hit a dresser on I-75 in Florida with the Cougar in tow. Was our maiden voyage with the trailer. Truck in front swerved at the last minute and there it was in front of us. Hit the brakes and ended up driving right through it. Didn't do any damage to the truck or trailer but sure gave everyone an OHSH!T moment lol.
Do agree with you as to staying in your lane though.