2BLAZERS wrote:
I don't think I would or could ever compare my camping nights to hotel nights on just the $$$$ only. Camping gives me campfires, ATV riding, outdoor sports, friends for life, etc...the thing we do is camp in our TC and ride quads. Nothing like (this weekend for example) of riding quads and camping with 30 friends (and families) at Morrow County OHV park for four days. $200 of diesel and ATV fuel is cheaper then the Hilton in Hawaii.
Hilton would not compare. A few hotel nights like in Vegas are enjoyable but I'd rather be camping.
If you were nearing retirement and needed a cost-basis to decide if you should make a large purchase like an RV what would you compare with?
I couldn't use campgrounds... I'd never stay in one... many would have to add their costs to the equation.
We have been more successful than most... in nights out and places visited... it is nice to have a grand plan beyond a few weekend a year.