Forum Discussion

the_tc_life's avatar
May 28, 2013

days out camping goal

we have a goal every year of 60 days out with the camper. we work full time so it really is a good goal for us.

we have reached half way on our goal. we are now at 30 days out since January 1st. so it looks like we will achieve it this year. last year we fell short by 15 days.

do you have a days out goal that you try to achieve every year?
  • I work more then full time, my goal is 55-60 nights in the camper each year. Last year we hit 45, this year with a few more long trips 55 will be pretty easy.
  • We are looking for 1008 nights... it will be a special day.

    We already have the first 1007 nights... the next one is very important.

    We haven't been able to travel fot the last year.... The medical problems that catch up with us as we age are very limiting.

    I can report... the truck camper is on the truck, propane tanks and fresh water are ful. black and gret water tanks are empty... the diesel is topped off.

    If the doctors blink... we'll be on the road.

    We might not take the time to load clothing... (we went from San Fransisco to Hawaii with no clothes and it worked out)

    Just go, go, go. Don't look back....

    Where? at this point it won't matter... but as it gets hotter... North looks better (Silversand had snow this weekend and I don't think that eastern Canada has tornados. Upper Penisula looks like a possible...

    Wish us luck please.


    Sleepy and Janet
  • Have reservations for 60 nites this year have done 6 so far , short season here in the northeast. No long trips this year.
  • jimh425 wrote:
    Nope, why do you have a goal? Is it to make sure you relax?

    Lol...relaxing is always good.

    Its just my goal. Like I have a goal to see every Washington state park. That's a tough one as there are a lot of them.
  • Short of a catastrophic event... 365. So far... so good! 148 days and counting.:B
  • We will hit somewhere near 270 days this year. From AZ to Seattle, to Maritimes then DC.
  • Like Jeff & Kelli, we get what we get. Some years have been 75 days or more and some years have been only 4 or 5. I will get more than the wife as I usually get 15 to 20 days during hunting season, some in the camper and some in a tent. We do have a few trips planned this year so we should get somewhere beyond 30 before hunting season starts.
  • We'll hit 30 to 40 this year. We're at 6 now. We got 52 a few years back whilst Kelliator was between jobs. This year, we'll be limited to only 3 day weekends, Friday night through Sunday. I don't anticipate any long distance trips either for the same reason. We'll get what we get and be happy we got out.
  • Nope, why do you have a goal? Is it to make sure you relax?
  • In the old days when we had a bunch of camping buddies it was closer to 90 days for us. Now days as camp hosts were almost back to that number.