Forum Discussion

JoeChiOhki's avatar
Explorer II
May 22, 2021

DC to DC converter for small electronics

Trying to locate what to look for in a DC to DC convert that I can add a barrel jack on to power a small NAS device in my camper project.

The NAS takes 12volt stable for input (12v only, not 11-18v of your standard automotive electric system), and I'm trying to figure out what to search to get a unit that takes the stock 12 volt system input and puts out a constant 12volts output at a max of 3-5 amps.

Does anyone know the wording for what I'm trying to find? I need to get the DC to DC converters in place for the network extender and NAS devices so I'm not wasting energy by stepping it up to 110volts via inverter and then back down the low voltage DC that the devices use.
  • I suppose you could use a voltage stabilizer/regulator. I don’t know if the voltage would be constant enough. My guess is that if you are going to have multiple network devices, you’d be better off with AC and a computer lab quality surge suppressor/power strip.

    Alternatively, you could have a dedicated 12V circuit for it and use some type of trickle charger that can keep the voltage of the battery relatively constant.