Lemonhead78 wrote:
So are these valves the right way ? I can't seee how to post a pic. So the hot and cold lines have valves going into tank and their both in open position. However there's a line right beside it . It connected to the both lines and in the middle theirs another valve and that's in the off position. Is hat the right way to have it ?
Yes, you have them correct. Typically, the shutoff valves have a handle that would be in line with the flow of water. To fill and use the water heater, the cold inlet valve needs to be open (inline) and the hot water outlet needs to be open (inlne). The third valve needs to be closed (not inline) with the small piece of connecting pipe.
If you're still having problems with Forum preferences, there should be another pictorial depiction of RV hot water systems viewable online.