And one more thing to add to your things to think about is:
1. When someone says "Solar" it can mean different things to different people. When someone says solar can't keep up, to me it means "their solar" can't keep up. There are so many different solar set ups and darned near all of them are junk when it comes to real charging. I am a big fan of solar and not a fan at all of generators(though I do carry one for emergencies). I can say pretty surely that all the factory installed set ups are really a waste of money if you really want to use your furnace at night in 10-30 degree temps then hope to harvest from the sun in the day time. There is a lot of great info out there on how to set up a great solar system that can harvest and charge even on pretty cloudy days(not dark rain cloudy days....)As stated in another post on this thread, there is not a one size fits all. It takes a fair amount of research and thought and if I were you and thinking of solar:
1. Build big, use hefty conductors, like #4 and #2
2. Get an MPPT type controller and install it as close to the battery bank as possible. Not in the cabinet over the bed like the RV manufacturers do.
3. Get panels that have the highest wattage(most important)and smallest foot print(not as important as highest wattage)
4. I wouldn't let a dealer install it unless they have a reputation as solar experts and have a proven track record.