Isn't the stock Dodge 2500 bumper considered a crumple zone? My son driving in the slow lane was Pitt maneuvered by a high flying drunk trying to pass on the shoulder of the freeway shoving him into the center divider at speed. Hit and run, but he didn't get far as the collision destroyed and completely immobilized his pickup. Matt's 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee's front end was smashed all the way back to within an inch of the I-6 block. Everything forward of the block was accordioned flat. He suffered only a cracked tibula and some contusion but the guy's insurance paid off big time.
I had a Tomba Burro welded together for my old FJ-55 and there was nothing crumply about it, built exclusively for travel in Mexico where bovine like to sleep on the pavement after a hot day. In Canyonlands, 1978:
