We live in deer country and my wife has had a run in with a few since we've lived on the west slope, Northern Sierra Nevada. She has a grill guard now on her 2011 Grand. Cherokee, and we've got one on our 1999 not-so-grand Cherokee.
When I bought the Warn winch bumper/holder for the 15K pound Warn Winch, i did order the wings that flair to the sides protecting the headlights. But these are not really made as a Bovine Deflector but as a brush guard, mostly for looks. With some 4330 ChoMoly driveshaft tubing I welded on some reinforcing and added a higher radiator saver to the mix.

As luck would have it I was traveling west along highway 50 in Nevada (the loneliest highway in America) after 10 p.m. in my truck with the camper on pulling my car trailer with my CJ-8 Jeep aboard (about 16.5K pounds worth total) when I spied a large elk grazing on the same side of the road I was traveling. I slowed mightily moving into the opposing lane of traffic hoping the beast, who was a big stag, would not try to bound in front of me. As I got very close and not moving very fast, the elk decided to occupy the same space as my 16.5K pound assembly. I hit him just to the pass side of center with the brush guard extensions woefully inadequate and making no difference in the outcome, maybe making it worse. The accompanying jolt was a lot more that I expected, momentarily slowing the 8 tons of rolling thunder down several notches throwing me right against the seatbelt. One of us survived the collision with only a broken pass side headlight assy and slight sheet metal damage. But, the main part of the winch carrier is what saved me with its high shear value. No damage there, but there could have been with that heavy a beast hitting squarely in the center as the radiator without the winch carrier would have taken it in the shorts. I do think the radiator saver helped keep the beast from coming over the hood as he was a tall one. But so is my RAM.
If I were to do this again, I would get the lightest weight, most coverage aftermarket winch bumper I could find. It may be another unicorn hunt, but someone must have made a lightweight that keeps the front end safe from UFFO's (unidentified frontal flying objects). I don't need extra light sockets or fashionable Ghee-Gahz on the bumper. All substance, and no style is my style. Some of these steel Ranch Hand and other bumpers are WAY heavy hanging out over the front of your truck. jefe