Forum Discussion

tomman58's avatar
Nov 13, 2018

DEF clean up

I was wanting to have a spare gallon of DEF in the pickup . I put the DEF in to a gallon mile jug. The DEF seeped through the plastic! My truck bed has a bed rug in it. The rug started growing some weird crystals. I tried some Blue Coral rug cleaner and thought I had it cleaned up. No such thing.

What cleans this stuff up???

  • Plenty of lukewarm water on the DEF stain. Def is deionized water and urea. Nicely put, urea is processed fecal matter from livestock. In the case of DEF, the urea is chemically produced. I spray urea at 46% base dilluted with water on my crops as a foilar innoculant. Makes them grow so you can eat

    Never keep DEF in anything but it's original container and keep the lid tight. Air can degrade it too,
  • ShinerBock wrote:
    Hot dihydrogen monoxide will do.

    Yup as we all know: Dilution is the solution to pollution. Water will do the job. I find it unlikely that urea penetrated an undamaged plastic jug, either it had a pinhole or the top wasn't on tight.
  • gbopp wrote:
    ShinerBock wrote:
    Hot dihydrogen monoxide will do.

    Do you need a license for that stuff? :B
    It should be licensed. Each year around 4000 people die in the US from accidental inhalation of dihydrogen monoxide. It is a travesty such a dangerous chemical is easily available even to children. I have even heard of some cities storing excess amounts in uncovered and unguarded open lagoons.
  • ShinerBock wrote:
    Hot dihydrogen monoxide will do.

    Do you need a license for that stuff? :B
  • If the urea is from 'natural' sources, vinegar has an enzyme that digests pets urine stains when kept moist for a couple days.
  • Putting that stuff in another co tainer simply makes it useless junk. Leak? Good luck. Pig pea and water, so start with lots of water to flush. It is also corrosive, so take the rug out and clean the metal up before it eats your bed up. Try baking soda and water mixture.