wtmtnhiker wrote:
DutchmenSport wrote:
wtmtnhiker wrote:
Hi all,
My 2013 Duramax has been sitting in my garage since last Oct....
Diesel fuel prices are the best they've been in a long time! Get out and go for a drive in that puppy! Flex it's muscles! Keep it a happy truck!
ha ha I will soon. Never been driven in winter, never seen salt so I'll wait a while yet. Only use it to tow my 5th wheel trailer RV. Thanks for all the feedback, I feel better now
That's awesome for the truck and the next owner of it! However in the meantime, you'll be fine. BUT just like any other vehicle, there are prudent things to do if it's going to be mothballed for a long period of time. DEF is now one of those considerations, and the 6-8 months your truck is sitting is likely not a deal breaker def wise, but in select cases it's going to cause issues if parked for a long time and certain conditions are or aren't met.
The easiest and BEST way to prevent issues is to drive the vehicle.
Like your truck, even though you're treating it with kid gloves, find a dry day and go run the snot out of it. It will make you and the truck feel better!