If by built wrong you mean errors in assembly or design you are correct. If you mean not built as strong as it could be, that is not the same thing.
Built to a price point means, do not expect your Chevy or Ford to be the equal of a Ferrari.
I watched a show on those Tiny houses. Solid 2x4, 2x6 and even 4x4 construction. Multi-pane casement windows, solid wood doors, a genuine wood roof, real cedar siding and etc. It was a true home on wheels; starting at $60,000.00 with less room than an 18 ft. TT and towable with a 1 ton pickup.
That is not what the TT market wants or is willing to pay for.
I have often shook my head when working on my TT, asking why didn't they use two screws instead of one, or why didn't they put more bracing in that area?
It always comes back too, the market will not pay for it. It is a hobby not a necessity. People may want it but they will not pay for it.