I'm enjoying the pics and thoughts on your Host.
The earlier post about the thread title has been interpreted wrong by most that have read it, based on the replies people have posted.
The way that post is written, it easy to understand what that person is saying. He was simply stating that the two words are mis-spelled and run together as a word that doesn't even exist - buiddate.
I'd like to hear more thoughts on your Host Cascade as time goes on.
If I'd have seen them before buying my AF 992, I'd have probably bought a Cascade instead.
I'm curious if you've gotten empty weights of your truck and then weight it again with the camper loaded.
I'm sure the weight would put me way over the GVWR of my current truck.
The sloped nose at the head of the bed look's like there's very limited head room for sitting up in bed to get out of bed, etc. What's your thought's on that?