Kittykath wrote:
Kittykath wrote:
yeabuddy wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
dande150 wrote:
dodge guy wrote:
I think a forum for seaonals would be a better idea!
I second this idea!!
X 3
I've been "seconding" this for years!
Hmmm, I've been thinking "Destination" trailer was a specific model. It is actually a type of trailer, same as "seasonal"?
Tell me, I have a Livin Lite 16DB. I park it on some property I own 120 miles from my home. Haven't moved it since I brought it home from the dealer in May, though I do plan to once this job thing becomes different. I have it attached to water, septic, electric. Would you call this a destination or seasonal?
Would your new perceived forum benefit me? Seems to me you thin out participation when you create new forums.