free_man_and_dog wrote:
Kittykath wrote:
Kittykath wrote:
yeabuddy wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
dande150 wrote:
dodge guy wrote:
I think a forum for seaonals would be a better idea!
I second this idea!!
X 3
I've been "seconding" this for years!
Hmmm, I've been thinking "Destination" trailer was a specific model. It is actually a type of trailer, same as "seasonal"?
Tell me, I have a Livin Lite 16DB. I park it on some property I own 120 miles from my home. Haven't moved it since I brought it home from the dealer in May, though I do plan to once this job thing becomes different. I have it attached to water, septic, electric. Would you call this a destination or seasonal?
Would your new perceived forum benefit me? Seems to me you thin out participation when you create new forums.
That would be seasonal, destination trailers are usually 35-40 ft, have patio doors, 110V house fridge....Ours also has bay windows in the front. This is ours