gjwarneke wrote:
We have a 2000 7.3 diesel truck and would like to know what is the best fuel lubricant additive to use, we have been using "Lubribor" a Hammond product but are unable to find anymore and would like to hear from you experts on the road of what is the best on the market?
Thank you,
I use several truck stops for refueling so I'm not worried about getting a tank full of fuel that didn't get a additive packet.
I also refuel at 1/4 tank so if I did get a load of packet shorted fuel it won't take out anything serious.
Around here our area green and blue tractor dealers warn about possible lubricity issues from a single fuel supply source.
However I use a big dose of Power Service once every 4-5 tanks. Makes the Cummins idle much quieter and more off the line response.