Thanks for providing that study, I have never seen a comprehensive and scientific study on additives. I did a lot of searching when I bought my truck because it had cold start issues that I assumed were stiction so everyone recommended RevX and a smaller group Archoil. I tried the Archoil (oil and fuel additive) mainly because it was cheaper and it did show an immediate improvement by starting quicker, less smoke and less fuss when cold idling. Turns out 4 of my injectors were really bad and the other 4 weren't so great. The shop that replaced them uses and recommended Shaefer's to address the lubricity and cetane deficiencies. He said injector life is dependent on clean fuel and proper lubricity. I have since used Diesel Kleen since it is available everywhere but after reading this report I will follow the shop's recommendation and switch back to Shaefer's because it performed better than the DK.
Turtle n Peeps wrote:
Hears a good blind study. You can read it for yourself who came out on top. It's an old study so who knows how good it is today.
Some of this stuff with emulsifiers or alky in it will kill a HPFP pump. Know what you're doing with this stuff or don't put anything in the tank because some of the stuff people put in their tank is worse than putting nothing in.