"..... For me when it comes to styling they left a lot to be desired. It looks more like it's trying to fit in vs having it's own unique style like all the other Nissan vehicles...."
There is an interesting story behind that comment...
The Japanese highly touted 'QUALITY' is really from an old Ford manual they got
a copy of back after WWII when they were given brand new factories and machinery
by the USA
Some might remember the news clips showing Japanese touring our factories. Taking
copious notes and pictures
Fast forward into the late 60's and 70's...they found that their 'best' designs
came from their contract studios on the Calif Coast...LA/SF/SD
A large study was initiated and they found that culturally...the 'rebel' is
suppressed as 'to fit in is the desired attribute' for the whole society
I'll stop on this story, as there are several studies they initiated and the
last one was an "oh $hit"...they are all pulled and no longer can find them
Amazing Internet metric...me thinks since they were all in Japanese...not many
servers ever saved them and if they do exist...in Japanese...
So, 'fitting in' will be found often in Japanese (Asian) culture(s).