TXiceman wrote:
As for warranty, the Magnuson-Moss Act (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnuson%E2%80%93Moss_Warranty_Act) prevents manufacturers from denying warranty based on the addition of something to a vehicle. The added equipment must be proven to damage the vehicle. Now comes the problem.
The manufacturers have deep pockets and lots of lawyers. If you are denied warranty, you have a broken vehicle and you have to hire an attorney to take on the massive corporation. They can beat you down until you are broke or simply give up. The government will not go to bat for your case.
Magnuson-Moss is a joke.
"you have to hire an attorney"..:R
Broke is right!
Way better (and way cheaper) to bite the bullet and pay for the repairs!
Check the going hourly rate for an attorney - anywhere in the USA.
Your idea of "on the clock" is way different than hers/his.
Also - common practice is delay, delay, delay. *You* pay for your mouthpiece that did nothing that day - the auto mfgrs have hundreds of attorneys that are already on the payroll.
Besides the clock time (which includes his her driving time to and from the courthouse), you will be billed for the secretaries time to make copies of legal documents, filing fees, etc. BOHICA!
The ads you see for *injury* lawyers (civil court) -at no cost to you- are almost always guaranteed negotiated settlements at 50/50 split - no court time, slam dunk - or the attorneys won't take the case.
Leave it stock - or be prepared to be your own warranty station..:W
Once it's out of warranty, *you* can pay for the repairs or the other mods to/for the increased horsepower..:C