Forum Discussion

sgtstew's avatar
May 30, 2013

Dirt-Dauber problems in A/C

My Duo-Therm A/C suddenly developed a terrible vibration. Found that a dirt-dauber had built a mud nest on the fan, on the side away from the motor Trying to get it clean, but it's tight. When and if I can get it fully clean, can I do some insect proofing by adding some small gauge screen to the shroud openings? Gotta be small to keep those pesky things out. Any suggestions??
  • Bob Landry wrote:
    You can do a couple of things. The first is to go to your RV dealer parts department and buy some high dollar stainless steel small mesh screens.

    The second is to go to your local hardware store and buy some 1/8" mesh hardware. Cut them to fit the openings. if you don't have snips to cut it and can not borrow a pair, Harbor Freight sells them cheap. When you finish throw them in your tool box. Cut the hardware cloth to fit the openings. Take the cover off of the AC and install the screens from the inside. You can drill holes and install them using pop-rivets, or a hot glue gun will work just as well.

    I do the same only use 25 year caulk (from Lowes) all around the edges of the wire mesh. The caulking when dry holds the wire on and seals the edges so a dauber can't get in.

    I have heard of someone that added window screen wire but it cut proper airflow through the unit and lost the compressor.
  • You can do a couple of things. The first is to go to your RV dealer parts department and buy some high dollar stainless steel small mesh screens.

    The second is to go to your local hardware store and buy some 1/8" mesh hardware. Cut them to fit the openings. if you don't have snips to cut it and can not borrow a pair, Harbor Freight sells them cheap. When you finish throw them in your tool box. Cut the hardware cloth to fit the openings. Take the cover off of the AC and install the screens from the inside. You can drill holes and install them using pop-rivets, or a hot glue gun will work just as well.
  • If you are not using it, buy an AC cover and cover it up. If you are using it, they will leave it alone.
  • I picked up two round screen protectors from the RV place. INstalled them at the heater, then picked up a square on for the water heater...been 6 years, never a problem.