Forum Discussion

yankeeslover's avatar
Apr 21, 2014

Dirty roof-what are you guys using to clean?

My TT is one years old... local dealer just did a free roof inspection as part of there NYS inspection.. just called me and told me that the roof is dirty and that it looks like its parked under tree in summer... wants over $200.00 to clean the roof.. I told him "no thanks" will do myself.... with that said.. I don't really care if the roof is spotless as long as it last as long as possible. I don't want to go up there scrubbing stuff if it can wear the roof down a bit... will just a hose work? or should I also get a sponge type of mop up there? I don't want to get anything rough that will wear the top I can either
A)just hose it off
B)hose it off and gently scrub with a sponge mop
C)spray dicor aftermarket roof cleaner spray and sponge mop and spray with hose...
Im really sorry about these questions. im new to all this and I know a lot of your have years experience. I rather have a dirty roof that last 20 years then a clean roof that last 10-15 years......And I say that because I assume that the more you clean your roof with dicor cleaner or a mop it will wear the roof down some....thank you...
  • Cleaning does help keep the black streaks at bay at least for a little while.
  • It is not necessary that it be cleaned. It would be for aesthetics only. The roofing material was developed for commercial and residential flat roofs.
    If you choose to clean it do not use any products containing citric acid or petroleum distillates.
  • +1 on powder spic n span. The only place I have found it is on Just got a box delivered today in fact.
  • Ron3rd's avatar
    Explorer III
    The powdered Spic N Span is the best IMO if you can still find it. The liquid is readily available but a different formula.
  • I like the 60/40 bleach option. I have cleaned the roof with Dawn dishwashing liquid and a soft brush. You DON'T want to scrub the roof. The only reason I even attempt to clean it is to reduce the black streaks that come down the sides.

    I asked Thor a few years ago for their advice and they said to use Spic and Span a SOFT brush. No need for any other treatments. Do Not scrub hard if your roof is rubber.

    On Edit... After posting this I went outside and made up a mixture of water, bleach, dawn in a two gallon garden sprayer. Went on roof and sprayed. Let it sit then hosed it off. Had a few touch up spots but for the most part came out great. No Brushing, No Touching.
  • I will check my roof a couple of times a year. I do not clean it. It looks fine and since it's out of site I have not felt it necessary to keep it sparkling clean. But I'm sure someone will post here with proof that cleaning it will prolong it's life.
  • Clickey

    You will get all kinds of advice. I have used a 60/40 water /bleach mix with a tsp. of Dawn dish soap and a garden sprayer for 9 years, on all my TT,s and present MH for 4 years. I just spray it on and hose it off. After it dries, I use a mop saturated with 303. The roof still looks like new on a 12 year old rig.