Of course it's been done successfully. Here's a link to the related Google images on this topic. Click any of them for more details. Whether it can be done to YOUR camper, is another story.
https://www.google.com/search?q=generator+on+back+of+travel+trailer&client=firefox-b-1-e&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjmh468ssTkAhVRiOAKHSGYB48Q_AUIEygC&biw=1536&bih=770My last camper was a 25' Rockwood Ultralite. I could have added one to the back of mine. Here's how...
This is the frame of that TT:

I'm not sure who's camper has a frame and/or rear bumper made as thinly as pop cans, but I've never seen one.
The square tube on the back is actually welded to the I-beam frame. I can stand on the middle of it, doesn't flex.

I would simply add a piece of angle iron under the square tube, and weld it along the tube, and to the frame rails. This way the weight can be supported, and more importantly, stop the twisting action of having a generator hanging off the back.
You can weigh your camper, then the tongue weight, then have someone stand on the rear bumper to see how it affects the tongue weight. If you're still in the 10% range, good to go. The rear axle is not halfway between the tongue, and the rear bumper. 200 lbs on the back doesn't equal 200 lbs less on the tongue.
Some states allow triple towing. People add hitches to the back of their rigs. Same idea...
YMMV, but it has been done successfully with other rigs.