EXCELLENT ... excellent info.
I want to thank each of you for your advice.
... hmmm... well, it looks like I'll be shopping for a dually. :)
Great info on years of trucks, and the mileage... and the tires! Interesting. Thanks.
I drove interstate big rigs across the country for several years, and I have to mention, that the videos showing the interiors of RVs and Truck Campers look pretty luxurious compared to what truck drivers are used to.
Our sleepers are clean and modern... it's just that we only have a bunk, some shelves, and modest storage. So I learned how to live with only the necessities, and I showered at truck stops ... and ate at truck stops because we couldn't go off route. The sound of rumbling diesel engines became my nightly lullaby. So to have a bathroom, shower, TV (... I never watch TV), Internet, stove... solar panels ((LoL)) well, it looks like luxury to me.
To be retired and able to move when I feel like it without having to load and unload and throw heavy tarps and strapping and chaining in all kinds of extreme weather... sounds like pure luxury.
But all this does bring up one more question... WHY, if it's pretty much decided that I should buy a dually diesel truck ... why is it so important to buy the camper first, when it's going to sit on the same truck anyway?
Wouldn't a camper that fits a short bed or long bed be alright?
I mean... the width of the camper doesn't vary that much does it?
So, getting a long bed, dually diesel truck ... is the base.