MargaretB wrote:
I was asking about what SoundGuy said:
"it's a classic case of why it's so important to pick the right dealer when purchasing a trailer. "
Too often we hear people making their decision to buy a particular trailer by price alone when in reality that's just one part of the puzzle. IMO the first and most important step is getting to know the principals running the dealership - the owner / general manager, the service manager, the parts manager ... know them by name and make sure they know
you by name, because these are the people you'll be dealing with every time you visit that dealership and
they are the people you want on your side. Ironically, those you are most likely to deal with first, the sales & finance people, are also the least important to you once the deal is done but they do serve one really useful purpose, to help you fully understand exactly what it is you're buying,
including the terms of any warranty. If you feel you're not getting the answers you expect or you get an uncomfortable feeling dealing with any of these people that's a sure sign you've got the wrong dealer for your needs.
Staff in
any dealership are no different than you or I and are also just trying to earn a living so treat them as you would expect to be treated ... but go in with an aggressive attitude and you can bet you're interests will instantly take a back seat to those who have already figured it out. Often when someone posts with this type of complaint they speak of the dealer as "they" did this or "they" didn't do that, as if the dealership was a single entity. It's not, it's a collection of people of various abilities, experience, and interest in what they do for a living, and you
will receive various responses to your queries, some better than others, depending on whom you're talking to. Yes, service schedules often are clogged, especially at this time of year and particularly in areas where the recreational vehicle business is seasonal, so warranty or not you
should expect that during the busy summer months it will most likely be some time before your rig can be scheduled for service. Hey, big surprise - you're not the only customer! Yes, parts departments really are at the mercy of their suppliers, including the trailer manufacturers, and if there's no part to be had quickly or it's the wrong part or it's a poorly designed part all the grumbling in the world isn't going to make it better. Bottom line - know the people who are in the position to do something for you, make sure
they know who
you are, try to understand they do all face challenges every day and that their sole purpose in life is
not to make your life a misery, but most importantly keep the relationship positive. If you feel you can't do all of this with the people you have to deal with, you've got the wrong dealer.