Forum Discussion

btggraphix's avatar
Jun 11, 2013

Don and Janet Curley's Dodge/Outfitter combo has sold

I handed out a number of flyers at the Overland Expo, and while I couldn't post here about it being for sale, I did want to let everyone who may have picked up a flyer from me, know that in fact the sale is over.

There was a thread on the Expedition Portal discussion it (it was found and posted less than 12 hours after we posted it on Craig's List!)

I am happy to report that it has been bought by someone who will likely be giving it the use and attention it deserves, helping a volunteer wildfire person get into and out of very remote and dangerous places, and keep her from having to sleep on the ground any more. Her friends have an Outfitter Apex 8 and can't wait to make some of the same modifications Don and Janet made to theirs. Perhaps the new owner will sign up to

I think Janet is happy, relieved to have this big step accomplished, and glad that it will be making new memories and experiences with someone who will clearly appreciate it.

Thanks to all of you who did take a flyer from me, or passed along the information to others.
  • That was really nice of you to help Janet, Brian.
    l hope this will free up Janet to do her thing.
    Best wishes.
  • Best of everything to the best! Truck camper people helping truck camper people...

    This has been another behind the scenes success.

    Thanks everyone

  • That's great news Brian. I was impressed by Don's rig anyway, and then when you showed me the picture of everything all laid out in Janet's garage, showing how meticulous Don had been I was even more impressed.

    Glad you were able to help her out.
