Forum Discussion

deltabravo's avatar
Oct 24, 2019

Done for the year. Video: I winterized my AF.

I winterized my AF 811 and put it in hibernation for the winter two weeks ago.

How To Video: How I winterize my truck camper

I'm camping with my Nash 17K until the snow arrives.
  • Just finished loading my camper and took nice swim in the pool.
    Tomorrow morning time to go camping. Should be in 90F on desert.

  • I did mine today too but I'll be out again in the next week or so.

    I'm sure that everyone has their own methods for winterizing their RV.

    I use this adapter to blow my lines out after manually draining everything that I can.

    I use between 40 and 45 psi air pressure and start with the faucet furthest from the inlet starting with the toilet and them move forward.

    I pour some pink into the P-traps and I'm done.

    If you do a good job lowing out the lines I personally see no reason to use the pink stuff.

    It will drop to -15° a few times during the winter and I've yet to crack a water line.