powderman426 wrote:
I see your a Ham. Surely you know someone with a set of Greenlee punches. That way you can drill a much smaller hole and use the conduit punch to get a smooth clean hole.
Greenlees do make a very nice clean hole but when dealing with a chromed bumper you have the additional chrome plating layer to deal with which if it was not cleaned and plated well at the factory will result in the chrome layer separating from the bumper.
I would think that the chances are now days no matter how careful you are the result will be shortening the life of the chrome layer.
As far as the idea that mounting the connector higher to protect it from weather and salt spray.. Not gonna happen, salt spray will easily get into the upper parts of the bumper.
Best way I know to protect will be to coat the socket pins with an anti oxidizing grease. I use Ox-gard on outdoor electrical connections, it is typically used to prevent oxidization of aluminum service entrance wire but can be used for al to al, al to cu or cu to cu.
GB Ox-GardIf you are hand wiring the socket, your best bet is to use liquid tape on any exposed copper wires on the back of the socket to seal the copper from the weather.