Forum Discussion

mooring_product's avatar
Jul 15, 2013

Driving to Canada from South Florida...

We are headed on a long trip with my two boys,wife and my old dog.

I can take I-95 all the way up.

We were going to NY to visit 9/11 and other tourist spots and then up to Canada to visit family. We were going to drive the Yukon XL but after pricing hotel rooms in NY (Dog friendly)and not having room for us in Canada we decided to take the TC.

We are going to stay at Liberty Harbor RV park in NJ and take shuttles or taxis around town.

I do have some concerns/questions.
- I recall tunnel restrictions due to propane but not sure where.

- What foods can I bring into Canada. I recall fruits shouldn't cross but what meat and dairy?

- What about water in the TC. Just carry enough to flush the toilet and brush teeth is my thought.
  • PapPappy wrote:
    Stick with your I-95 plans. It's the most direct, and really not that big a hassle. Tunnels near Baltimore may be an issue, but if you check, there are alternatives. Staying on I-95 up through NY, you'll be on the George Washington Bridge, so the NYC tunnels shouldn't be a problem.

    Will there be lots of traffic? YES!! So, I'd try and schedule your arrival to Jersey City for sometime in the middle of the day, to avoid rush-hour....I think there is a 5-minute span that the traffic slacks off from inbound to outbound:B

    Have a nice trip!

    I agree, we are driving straight up with no stopping, leaving in the AM. I figured will be getting there mid morning.
  • Stick with your I-95 plans. It's the most direct, and really not that big a hassle. Tunnels near Baltimore may be an issue, but if you check, there are alternatives. Staying on I-95 up through NY, you'll be on the George Washington Bridge, so the NYC tunnels shouldn't be a problem.

    Will there be lots of traffic? YES!! So, I'd try and schedule your arrival to Jersey City for sometime in the middle of the day, to avoid rush-hour....I think there is a 5-minute span that the traffic slacks off from inbound to outbound:B

    Have a nice trip!
  • Dennis M M wrote:
    Definitely scratch the I-95 part north of the Carolinas unless there is something you specifically want to see along the way. I would go I-95 to I-26, to I-77, to I-81 and then I-78 and find a park in northern NJ or southern NY.

    We have reservations for Liberty Horbor already. We will only be there for 2 nights so we needed something close to NY.

    Im going to research your route...thanks for the help.
  • Definitely scratch the I-95 part north of the Carolinas unless there is something you specifically want to see along the way. I would go I-95 to I-26, to I-77, to I-81 and then I-78 and find a park in northern NJ or southern NY.
  • obgraham wrote:
    Driving all the way on I-95?

    I'd rather have three root canals.

    Any better ideas?
  • Driving all the way on I-95?

    I'd rather have three root canals.
  • Liberty Harbor Park is your best bet for your NYC plans. I think all tunnels want the propane shut off . You are usually afforded a place to pull over and shut off. I usually leave mine on unless Im sure I'll be checked.