SteveAE wrote:
I used to travel with the propane on. However, after I had one of the rubber hoses between the propane bottle and regulator split, allowing propane to spew out at a rate that was less than required to trip the protection device built into the tank, but high enough to dump quite a bit of propane, I stopped the practice. So far, our refrigerator seems to stay plenty cold while traveling. Just my experience, and as you are seeing many choose to leave it on.
That hose could have split while being parked.
Traveling with it on didn't cause the failed hose
Both Dometic and Norcold have statements in their fridge manuals that operating the fridge while in transit does not present a problem.
It is in reference to level operation BUT you can bet that the corporate lawyers had a hand in approving the language.
Running with it ON propane OR NOT is a personal choice....not a safety problem.
Being valved out is required in some tunnels and on ferries (both of which I encounter back east).....signs posted when required.