Personally, I'm not a fan of DRW trucks at all. In fact, we truck and trailer shopped for both this last go round, planning to pick what will probably be our last RV, having owned 8 previous. One of the requirements was if we went towable it had to be towable with SRW or we would go class A with a toad.
That said, for carrying the weight of most TC's I would want, DRW is the only good option in my opinion. Additionally, a 1 ton truck isn't really suitable for what I would call off road travel be it DRW or SRW. Poor suspension travel, generally quite heavy especially if a Diesel, lots of expensive stuff hanging down etc. DRW's are a little more problematic traction wise, getting stuff stuck between the tires, and they tend to have more issues in ruts. Either one does fine on forest service and BLM type dirt roads which is what many refer to as off roading. Since you already have other options, my advise is to go with what allows you to use the RV you desire.