rvshrinker wrote:
Can I take a dually with a TC on a light off road track like Titus Canyon in Death Valley? Or to Badwater? I did Badwater in a Wranger a few years ago and feel like my RAV4 4WD would not have made it.
Titus has a bit of soft sandy gravel as you enter the riverbed at the end. If raining there is a bit of mud as you approach the base of red pass. Some spots are tight but I have seen larger vehicles going the road. Carrying the TC through the slot at the end would make me nervous. Generally 2WD should make this in normal conditions.
Badwater? Is that the lowest point and paved to the tourist stop where you can walk out on the salt? Or do you mean west side road? I have not encountered any difficulty.
If you are going it is probably best to start a DV thread.