mowermech wrote:
When I had my old Dodge Ram 3500 CTD dually 4X2, I went into farmers fields to get hay, drove it in the winter on snowy roads, even took it down some old skid trails in the woods. Here is what I experienced:
1. It was simply too big for skid trails. Luckily, all I did was break a hubcap on a stump.
2. Real aggressive tread snow tires are a must in the winter. "All Season M&S" tires may be OK, but an aggressive tread is better. I will gladly put up with the noise for safety. I usually run such tires on my trucks all year long.
3. Weight in the bed in the winter is a wonderful thing. It may not be an absolute necessity, but it is amazing what a difference it makes having three 60 pound sandbags on each side, behind the wheel wells. Traction on slippery roads is MUCH better!
Just my opinions, based purely on personal experience.
I got in an argument with this guy several years ago. My brand new 05 CTD dually was worthless in snow with out 4x4. And here's this guy doing all this stuff in a 2WD dually. BULL!! A couple years later I put on new tires, high traction Toyo M 55. I rarely touched the 4x4 lever again!!! He was right!! Aggressive tires make a huge difference on a dually!! :o