jimh425 wrote:
CuriosGeorge, again, your page says. I'm assuming you built it ... maybe not.
Not my page, I did not build it. Meant to share for someone who has YET to purchase a truck camper.
jimh425 wrote:
Apparently, you are a member of the weight police, but if you've followed the discussions here enough, you would know that your statement isn't considered fact by everyone.
You wish to toss "weight police". That's a bit ugly. If you notice my profile, you would know I just joined this site. Not very welcoming from my POV. No worries.
Talked to a member of our Security Forces and Legal. They both take a different viewpoint than you/others. "Exceed your ratings and you are subject to litigious exposure, whether from law enforcement or barrister."
jimh425 wrote:
Not so simple, huh?
Really wasn't the OPs question. If he/she wishes to change all of that, good luck. Far more than I wish to get into. I used to site to explore what ballpark I should be playing in. PERIOD. Thought it was worth sharing. You own a camper. The title of that page should be enough to know it was not meant for after the fact.
jimh425 wrote:
The vehicle would be safe even if was illegal.
Not in my driveway. Been on the road a loooonnnnnnggggg time. This is not my first dance. Exceeding weights is a recipe for disaster and that is my opinion. You buy what you want. I'll do my best to steer clear. You can rationalize all you wish.
jimh425 wrote:
There are definitely dealers/manufacturers who will let you weight their TCs.
Dude, relax and read. I said I did not know of any.
jimh425 wrote:
Enough of that ... a constructive comment about your calculator. I have an actual weight of my rig loaded. Given the actual load, tire size, axle ratings, your calculator should be able to tell me I'm safe. Alas, your calculator has no idea. It's looking for my trucks empty weight. Ok, if you intend your calculator to be only a prepurchase tool and a "guess" if someone who agrees with your guidelines might be safe or not.
A - Not my calculator at all.
B - Please read the darn title, brother. "Can My Truck Carry This Camper?"
C - This one you missed too. - "Welcome to this site. This is a neat tool for someone to keep from getting in over their head. I just don't agree with the outcomes." Case closed, and end of conversation.
Frankly, I wish you would consider how your text might read to someone else. Not sure you did that. Regret the conversation has gone on this long. I shared something that I strongly feel helped keep me from being unsafe on the road and a danger not only to my family, but to yours. I will continue to operate in a manner which I feel does that. The website I shared was to help the OP, or anyone else, shop for a rig.
You are entitled to your opinion. MY question was simply "Why didn't the link post?" Not to get into an argument with you.
I intend to own my TC for a bit and would like to stay on this forum. How about taking a hand of friendship and just move on for a while. This is sure getting old, fast.