Tvov wrote:
Yes, dump-rinse-go if a line behind you. If you are alone, YES thoroughly rinse the tanks.
Yes, you don't have to rinse the tanks every time.... EXCEPT if it is mid summer and you camper will be sitting for weeks / months until the next trip. I am able to rinse my tanks on my property, so if we aren't going out again for a couple or more weeks I thoroughly rinse and sanitize the black tank. In mid-August, that black tank, even though quickly "rinsed" at a dump station, can very much stink up the camper.
If you need to really rinse out and sanitize the tanks, in Connecticut a lot of the state parks that have dump stations (not many do, you need to check in advance) will allow you to dump and rinse to your heart's content for the price of one overnight campsite. Yea, it is expensive, but if you need to do it.... I have had to do that a couple times for various reasons - the nice thing about that is if you can go to the dump station in the middle of the week when it is empty you can take all the time you want.
A lot of private campgrounds will allow you to dump and rinse, usually for 1/2 the price of a campsite - but can vary greatly so call ahead and check.
We usually wait to dump when leaving on a Sunday afternoon until the last minute. We've found that most people have breakfast, packup, and go to the dump station - everyone seems to arrive at the same time. Yes, you can go first thing in the morning, but I like to have a leisurely breakfast. If you wait until the last minute usually the dump line is small or empty, not always, but usually.
Also, when dumping when there is a long line, don't start dumping and then go sit in your truck or camper. I usually hang out by the tank, checking constantly for when it is done, so I can rinse the line quickly and get going. Think about when or if you are waiting in line to dump, and the person dumping is nowhere to be seen for awhile. Just a small thing, but if people behind you see you there doing "something", it can be a little less annoying to wait.
If you really need to take the time to rinse (long distance camping trip, camper going into storage, etc) tell the person waiting behind you. Grumpy people can be just grumpy, but at least you let them know it will be a little extra time - and if they see you "working" (as I say above) instead of relaxing in your camper it may make them a bit more understanding.
These are tips and ideas coming from me. You will figure out your own routine, and experience your own adventures at the dump station.
Then you also can come back here and tell dump station stories!
I like that advice. Its like when the boss is walking around the shop. grab a wrench and it looks like your doing something. You just need a "prop" lol. Act busy!