What do I do with my gloves? They go behind my driver seat, where they have spent thousands of miles. When they develop a hole, garbage they are, no, they don't stink, no, they're not covered in poop or diesel, I don't get poop on my gloves, as a lifelong equipment operator, diesel doesn't go on hands, its carcinogenic over a lifetime of exposure. We aren't dealing with toxic waste here, its poop, and furthermore, its poop of my making, quick and careful means no spillage, I even wear the same clothes in the truck after dumping, same shirt, same boots, same pants......
I gotta say, if some pig has left a mess at the dump station, I won't dump there, walking around messes left by previous dumpers is not good. By the way boys, do you bag up your shoes after dumping? Or toss them? You've walked around the area......