We camp at State Parks almost exclusively, and everywhere we go either has full hook-up or a dump station at the park. So, we never have to struggle over where we are going to dump.
Because we use our camper at home, almost 100% of the time, we use our Blue Tote to dump our tanks and then tote that to our septic tank and dump into the septic tank. The distance from where the camper parks and where the septic tank is located is just too far. And to consider adding a new dump line for the camper would involve quite a distance, plus going under 2 asphalt drive way sections.
So, this is how I solved the problem. We had a high rise neck put on the septic tank with an easy to remove cap. This is how the tank is pumped out now too.
I then built a ramp, very simple, just cinder blocks with a bunch of boards laid on top with some supports in the middle. All I need to do is attach the hose to the trailer, dump into the tote, and drag it to the ramp and dump away! FYI, I quit using the law mower as a tow vehicle. I found it much easier to just pull the tote by hand.

Of course, if we are at a campground that does not have full hook-up and we need to dump our tanks, we use the tote and just tow it to the dump station with the truck.
Very, very seldom do we ever travel with full tanks. But if we do, we can always dump at home too doing it this way.