"what is the best way to plan meals and cook while on the road?"
You may not like my answer... it varies completely with each family!
I am a big planner. I like times for each meal, so I can plan my hikes / fishing / tether ball games / etc. I find it easier to know what and when I will be eating.
Good friends of our who we camp with us on a regular basis - seem to not plan anything. They just bring plenty of everything and cook when ever it seems to be needed.
But it all works, and we have great times.
You will get more responses in this thread, but also look through the forums. The camp cooking section has GREAT meal ideas for camping!
As to eating out while camping... we rarely do. We have our meals planned in advance, so we return to the camper for meals. It also can save a small fortune during the camping trip. Leftovers? Eat them at home when you get back! We also usually keep a couple cans of Hormel chili / Campbell soups / whichever in the camper cupboards as "emergency backup" - also, at the end of the season, those cans are simply put in the home kitchen and eaten eventually over the winter.