We finally figured out how to make baked potatoes wrapping full potatoes in saran wrap and microwave for about five minutes... perfect baked potatoes
Got to have Steaks on the grill and baked potatoes meal when we can...
Momabear likes to make up stews in her electric skillet. It has high sides and will simmer things all day long cooking...
Momabear has also figured out how to dice up onions in the fried potatoes for breakfast...
I was pulling my popup trailer on a work trip one time and had stopped at a WALMART and picked up some hamburger patties. After getting setup for the night I started cooking them and then mixed in some good ole pork-n-beans and was really smelling up the camp site good. Turned around and had two different camp sites dogs behind me smacking their chops haha... Had to feed them too when the neighbors came to get their dogs...
We used to pick up pre-made meals from Albertsons that was wrapped in a cold wrap.. Those were kinda neat...
Roy Ken