Forum Discussion

FishOnOne's avatar
Jul 31, 2014

EGR Failure on 6.7 Power Stroke

Here's a video on a EGR failure on a 6.7 PSD. I'm surprised of the idle hours this guy is reporting.

  • ib516 wrote:
    Ambulances live a hard life. Around here they idle A LOT, especially in the winter.

    If properly equipped they should have a fast idle setting. Where I work we only idle if we need emergency lights running or if it's extremely hot or cold out. Otherwise we shut them down whenever parked off-street. Same thing with the big trucks, no need to keep them running if you don't have to. Some of our newer ones have the ability to run emergency lighting off of an on board generator, so they only need to run the main motor if pumping.
  • Umm. It's not just the cold that makes one idle a vehicle. Y'all have any idea how hot and sticky it gets in Atlanta in the summer. 110° on pavement will kill you just as dead as -40°.
  • Yea, I agree, funny how right in the power stroke manual it states not to idle the engine for extended periods of time.
    Not surprised the EGR failed, it has hot exhaust gasses constantly flowing over it.
  • That the EGR came from an ambulance certainly explains why it failed. That's a bunch of idling time, but if the ambulances are constantly on the road, either on a call or being shuffled around town for coverage purposes (and idling in shopping center parking lots, etc & not based in a station), that kind of idling time isn't unrealistic.
  • Idling a diesel to keep it ready to go makes a certain amount of sense . . . in Anchorage, Alaska. In Atlanta, however, it is what is gently referred to as "a h*** of a stupid idea." If there is any place on the planet where it ought to be easy to start a diesel any day of the year, that place is Atlanta. Atlanta, where 1/2 inch of snow closes EVERYTHING. Atlanta, where a bitter cold snap gets down just below freezing. No wonder that EGR cooler was clogged up with carbon deposits.
  • Ambulances live a hard life. Around here they idle A LOT, especially in the winter.
  • Yeah, idling a modern diesel engine "to keep it ready" makes no sense at all.