downtheroad wrote:
calamus wrote:
downtheroad wrote:
Welcome to the Forum...
I am a little confused by your question (I often am).
But, IF you are towing this trailer you certainly do need a battery so that your emergency break-away system will work...
The 12volt power for the break away hitch should come from the Pickup.
Both of our campers will run all the 12volt systems with out a battery. That being said not all of them do, check all fuses. good luck
Are you sure, very unusual...I'd double check this (break-away function). If so, then I learned something....
Question: how can the truck's battery supply power to the trailer brakes IF the trailer has "broken away" from the truck...(disconnected pig tail) is is free wheeling down the road??
It must rely on the trailer battery to stop a run away trailer.
X2 No battery, no emergency brakes once unplugged from TV