pepemosre wrote:
Hey Guys! I´m new to live in an RV, and I have a question about some electrical issue. Currently I have 2 outlets that work only if I plug the RV to a regular 120V hook-up. My question is , is there a way to make those outlets work with a solar panel? That way i wouldn't have to buy an additional battery.
I have a 2001 adventurer truck camper :D
I´m travelling with my girlfriend from Canada to Chile
Good day to everyone!!
if you're talking the 110v AC house outlets, they are not 12v DC. you have to have shore power or a generator for them to work.
the only other option is to install an inverter and wire it to the outlets. then you can use batteries to power the outlets.
you'll need solar or a generator to recharge the batteries. and you'll need at least 2 6v golf cart batteries.
i think you should have researched this before taking off on such a trip.